Kampong Jerudong

Jerudong is the place where the sultan of Brunei spends his spare time. At Jerudong Park are a huge polo stadium, luxurious stables, a golf course and trapshooting and croquet facilities. All the facilities are used by the sultan and his family and access is only allowed if you have an invitation.

If you don't have an invitation, you can always go to Jerudong's Playground, a huge amusement park with all sorts of thrilling rides. Jerudong Beach is immediately behind the park. There are nice cliffs and stalls, where fish is sold.

Accommodation is available in Jerudong. The best way to get to the town is by car. Jerudong is not far north of the main highway between Bandar Seri Begawan and Tutong, some 15 km west of the capital.

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