
Karakol (formerly known as Przheval'sk) sits at the eastern end of Lake Ysyk-Köl, about 15 km from the lakeshore. It is the principal town in the region and a good place to stay if you want to explore the lakeshore, the Terskey Alatau and the central Tian Shan Mountains.

There are no high-rise buildings in town. The Sunday market is a bustling place where all sorts of things are for sale and probably the best market in Central Asia. Karakol is surrounded by apple orchards.

When you arrive in town by bus, you will be approached by people offering accommodation. It is a good idea to stay with locals rather than in a state-run hotel. You can also fly to Karakol from Bishkek. Karakol is 315 km east of the capital.


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