
Kariba is one of Zimbabwe's major holiday resorts not far from the dam that backs up Lake Kariba. If you walk a kilometer or so uphill, towards the border with Zambia, you will have excellent views over the area. In the area known as 'The Heights', above the 'African' township of Makombekombe, is the Church of Santa Barbara, dedicated to the 86 men who died during construction of the dam.

After the dam was completed in 1959, the water behind it started rising and a rescue operation was started to save wildlife from the rising waters. The Operation Noah Monuments commemorates this.

In Kariba town, boat trips on Lake Kariba can be booked. There is a whole range of accommodation available, but since this is major tourist area, it is all quite expensive. The cheapest restaurants are in the Makombekombe Township. Kariba has bus connections with Harare. The town sits at the northeastern end of Lake Kariba, some 280 km northwest of Harare, on the border with Zambia.


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