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Keren is the third largest town in Eritrea and sits on a small plateau surrounded by beautiful mountains. The town has a laidback atmosphere, despite being one of the region's most important commercial centers. Keren has seen violent times in the past. During WWII the Italians fought fierce battles against the British and during the 1970's and 1980's it has been the scene of heavy fighting between local independence forces and Ethiopian troops. At the end of 1997 Eritrea and Ethiopia started fighting again and for the three following years, Keren was bombed several times.

There are several reminders of war in the town, including the British War Cemetery and the Italian Cemetery, where victims that fell during WWII are buried. Not far from Keren's central market is the shrine of Saint Maryam Dearit, which comprises an ancient baobab tree that is said to have powers of fertility. Local women brew coffee in the shade of the tree and believe that they will be blessed fertility-wise, if a passerby accepts a cup. Keren's old residential area boasts countless Italian colonial buildings, while the old Egyptian fort of Tigu, northeast of town, provides good views over the area.

There are several hotels and restaurants in Keren. The town is 70 km northwest of Asmara.

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