Kirimati (Christmas Island)

Kirimati (Christmas Island)

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The island of Kirimati is the world's largest coral atoll and it holds 50% of Kiribati's total land mass. It boasts more than 100 lakes and ponds, which are home to a wide variety of birds. The main settlements on Kirimati are London, Paris and Banana and large parts of its population work in the coconut plantations that support the island's copra industry. Other economic activities are fish farming, salt producing and tourism. Game fishing is popular and there is a hotel on the island. You can also go scuba diving, or snorkeling in the Bay of Wrecks, named after the many ships that have sunk there.

During the 1950's and 1960's, the British have tested hydrogen bombs on Kirimati, but there are reportedly no ill effects from that. Kirimati is 3260 km east of Tarawa and has air and sea connections with the capital.

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