
Kisumu is Kenya's third largest town. It has an easy-going atmosphere. The Kisumu Museum on Nairobi Road, is probably the best museum in Kenya. It is within walking distance from the town center. Outside the museum is a traditional Luo homestead, which consists of mud and thatch houses. The husband's house is separate from the ones for each of his wives.

Kisumu's lively market is the largest in Kenya and well worth a visit. In Kisumu you can also buy Kisii soapstone carvings. They are available from the stalls on the northern side of town. Not far from the town hall is a craft shop, where crafts made by local women are sold.

There are numerous hotels and restaurants in Kisumu. There are many buses and matatu's (minibuses) that connect Kisumu with many other places in Kenya, including Nairobi. The large bus station is just north of Kisumu's market. Fast minibuses to Kakamega and Kitale leave from right by Jomo Kenyatta Highway, instead of the main area of the bus station. Kisumu is on the eastern shore of Lake Victoria, 265 km northwest of Nairobi.

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