Kokerboom woud (Quivertree forest)

Kokerboom woud (Quivertree forest)

© Roy Digital Design

The Quiver tree forest in Gariganus (14 km northeast from Keetmanshoop on the road to Koës) is probably one of the worlds strangest forests. At first sight it doesn't look much like a forest; about 300 Quiver trees, unusual trees that can reach a height of about 8 m, stand here on a small piece of private farm-land. The owner of the land charges a small amount if you want to enter the forest. The name 'Kokerboom' (Afrikaans for Quiver tree) means hollow-tree. The Bushmen used to make tubes to carry their arrows in, out of the stems of the trees, hence the name Kokerboom. The Kokerboom is a protected plant in Namibia and the forest is declared a national monument.


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