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Koror is the economic center of Palau, as well as the country's capital. About 60% of Palau's entire population lives in the capital. Koror is a lively city with a Micronesian atmosphere, but there is little of interest to travelers.

The Belau National Museum is a good place to visit if you want to learn more about Palau's culture and history. It has interesting exhibitions of various subjects, such as shell money, carved storyboards, regional fauna and local artifacts and crafts. There is also a wood-and-thatch bai (communal meeting center), as well as the remains of some weapons the Japanese left behind after the end of their occupation during WWII. The museum is on Koror Island, outside of Koror (city).

There are several hotels and restaurants in Koror. The city is a good place to stay if you want to visit some of Palau's other islands, such as Rock Islands, Peleliu, Angaur or Malakal Island.

Thrifty Traveler

Miscellaneous Information

Latitude:    7 21 N
Longitude: 134 31 E
Elevation:  n/a

Population: 10,000
Cost-of-living compared to Washington D.C.: 104%

Hours from UTC: 9
Daylight savings time: n/a

City phone code: Not required
Country phone code: 680

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