Lake Baringo

Lake Baringo is on the B4 road north of Marigat, 230 km north west of Nairobi. It is a fairly deep and it is one of the few fresh water lakes in the area, while most other lakes are soda lakes. Lake Baringo is close to Lake Bogoria, but it has a completely different ecology as a result of the difference in water (Lake Bogoria is a soda lake). At Lake Baringo you will find hippos and crocodiles as well as many birds. The lake is one of Kenyas main birdwatchers' centers. Bird watching trips are organized by the Lake Baringo Club.

The best place to stay is the town of Kampi-ya-Samaki 15 km north of Marigat. You will find accommodation and restaurants there. It is also possible to stay in Marigat, but that is far from the lake's shore. The town of Loruk at the northern end of the lake is also a possibility. There are some matatu (minibus) services between Marigat and Maralal, coming through both Loruk and Kampi-ya-Samaki, but they are infrequent. The best way to get to the lake is by own means of transportation.


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