


Lalibela's main attractions are its 11 amazing 12th and 13th-century rock hewn churches. Other such churches are found in Petra (Jordan), but in Lalibela they are completely cut loose from the surrounding rock, which makes them special. King Lalibela founded the city in the 12th century after the decline and fall of Aksum.

Much of the original city has disappeared, but the churches have been kept well by generations of protective priests. All the churches contain marvelous murals and ornamented crosses, bibles and illustrated manuscripts are displayed. The nearby Asheton Maryam Monastery is also worth a visit.

Accommodation in Lalibela is easy to get and there are many restaurants. Lalibela lies about 340 km north of Addis Abeba. Lalibela is connected to the capital and to Gonder by air and road.


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