

Lima is the overcrowded, polluted and noisy capital of Peru and the weather in the city is often wretched. Despite of that, Lima's inhabitants are friendly and hospitable. Lima has a beautiful colonial center, nice plazas and there are many museums in the city.

The Museo de Oro del Peru has exhibitions of gold and silver artifacts, as well as precious stones. If you want to learn more about Peru's prehistory, you should visit the excellent Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arquelogía.

There are several interesting churches in Lima, such as San Francisco, with its catacombs and Santo Domingo, which was built around 1540. Lima has also numerous bustling markets, of which the Polvos Azules is the most interesting. Lima's zoo is also worth a visit.

In the city center are numerous hotels and hostels that offer inexpensive accommodation. Cheap restaurants and nice bars can be found in the suburb of Barranco, while the suburb of Miraflores has more expensive restaurants, nightclubs and Lima's best shopping possibilities.


Miscellaneous Information

Latitude:    12°05' S
Longitude: 77°03' W
Elevation:  120 m (394 ft)

Population: 8,000,000
Cost-of-living compared to Washington D.C.: 111%

Hours from UTC: -4
Daylight savings time: Late October through late March

City phone code: 14
Country phone code: 51

Average Weather Patterns

January23.3°C (73.9°F)0.3 cm (0.12 in)
April21.9°C (71.4°F)n/a
July16.7°C (62.1°F)0.8 cm (0.31 in)
October18.1°C (64.6°F)0.3 cm (0.12 in)

Current Weather

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