Mae Sot

Mae Sot lies close to the Burmese border in Thailand's northern Tak province. It has a reputation as a smuggling town and on its black market everything from guns, narcotics, teak and gems is available. Jade and gems are officially traded as well and Mae Sot is an important center of jade and gem trade. People from all over the region, as well as from Burma come to Mae Sot to trade and you will see a colorful mix of ethnicities, such as Burmese Muslims, people from the local Karen hill tribes and both Chinese and Indian shopkeepers, as well as countless Thai army rangers who try to keep everything within limits. Mae Sot is a good place to stay if you want to visit the interesting border markets, where Burmese handicrafts and foodstuffs are traded.

There are several hotels and restaurants in Mae Sot. The town is 395 km northwest of Bangkok.


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