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The Waianae Coast sits on the arid western strip of Oahu. The Waianae mountain range forms a scenic backdrop to the nominally developed stretch of beachfront. Behind Kepuhi Point you will find the broad crescent of white sand called Makaha Beach. During the winter, when the swell of the ocean brings enormous waves to Makaha, thousands of surfers, particularly long-boarders, visit the area. In the summer the water is less turbulent and excellent for swimming and snorkeling, while divers can visit the underwater caverns and arches of Makaha Caves.

East of the Makaha Valley is the Hawaiian temple of Kaneaki Heiau. It was constructed in the mid-16th century, in honor of Lono, the god of agriculture. The basalt stacks of Kaneaki Heiau were preserved because of their relative isolation, unlike many other stone temples in the Hawaiian kingdom. Kaneaki Heiau is the best-presented temple on Oahu. It was authentically restored in the 1960's.

Makaha is the least visited part of Oahu. It is a lovely area with relatively few tourists. Accommodation and restaurants are widely available though. Makaha is 40 km northwest of Honolulu.

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