Mana Pools National Park

Mana Pools National Park

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Mana Pools National Park is one of Zimbabwe's mort remote parks and it requires some time and effort to get there. The park is in a beautiful area in the north of Zimbabwe and it is on the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. The Mana Pools National Park is one of the few parks in Africa where walking is allowed, though not recommended. The word 'Mana' means four and refers to the four pools near the park's headquarters. The 4 pools are Chine, Chisambik, Main and Long. The Long Pool is probably the best place to see wildlife. Animals such as antelope, elephant and zebra, come to drink there at dusk and you will most likely be able to see the crocodiles and hippos that live in the pool. Other animals that roam the area include lions and hyenas.

You can reach the park by car or by canoe along the Zambezi River. Mana Pools National Park is open during the dry season from 1 May to 31 October only. There are several lodges and campsites throughout the park. Mana Pools National Park is about 250 km northwest of Harare.


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