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Mbabane is the capital and largest town in Eswatini. It lies in the north of the Ezulwini Valley and is surrounded by the green Dlangeni Hills. There is very little of interest to travelers, but it's a good place to get supplies and information before heading on to other places.

Swazi Plaza, not far west of the center is a shopping complex where all sorts of items are available. For cheaper goods and handicrafts, check out the Mbabane Market, which sits on Warmer Street, at the southern end of Allister Miller. The latter is Mbabane's main street and was named after the first (white) European to be born in the area. More goods can be bought from the Mall and the New Mall.

Mbabane's main bus and minibus park is west of the market, not far from Swazi Plaza on Western Distributer Road. There is a wide range of accommodation in Mbabane and there are plenty of restaurants and food stalls.

Warning: don't wander around the capital at night, when so-called sidlani gangs roam the streets. They are named after the question they ask: utsi sidlani? (what so you think we eat?).

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