Mlawula Nature Reserve

The Mlawula Nature Reserve covers 18,000 hectares (44,460 acres) of harsh country in the foothills of the Lebombo Mountains. It is a very scenic area in the northeast of Eswatini that includes ironwood forest, where you can see rare species of succulents and cycads. Animal species in the park include antelope, crocodile, hippo, leopard, samango monkey, spotted hyena, waterbuck, wildebeest and zebra, as well as 350 bird species and snakes such as black mamba, puff adder and spitting cobra.

Other annoyances include ticks and bilharzia in most of the streams.

The park is excellent for hiking and some archaeological founds have been made there recently. Accommodation is available in the form of campsites and huts. The entrance to the park is about 7 km north of Simunye, 85 km east of Mbabane. Buses run between the park and the town of Siteki, 30 km to the south.


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