Moselle Valley

Most people come to the Moselle Valley to buy (and taste) wines. Especially sweet white wines are produced in the area. There is a Route du Vin (Wine Road) in the valley. It starts in the town of Wasserbillig on the German border. It then runs southwards, along the Moselle River to the town of Grevenmacher, which is the region's winemaking capital. Further south the Route du Vin takes you to the beautiful villages of Wormeldange, Remich and Schengen.

In some of the villages along the route you can visit the cellars where the wines are ageing. During these visits it is also possible to taste and buy wines. In the hillside village of Wormeldange you can visit the Cellars of Poll-Fabaire, while in Grevenmacher are the Caves Bernard-Massard and in Remich you can taste wines at St Martin. In all three villages numerous festivities are held throughout the wine-season, to celebrate various stages of the winemaking process. The wine season runs from August through November.

You can do the Route du Vin by car or by bicycle, but it is also possible to take a boat trip. Several ships ply the route on the Moselle River, which is also known as 'Wine River'. The ships make stops at all the important wine-tasting spots along the route from Schengen, at the southernmost tip of Luxembourg, to Bernkastel-Kues, 70 km to the northeast, in Germany. Trips are available from most towns along that part of the river.

The Moselle Valley begins at Schengen, 25 km southeast from the city of Luxembourg and runs all the way up to Wasserbillig and further into Germany. Wasserbillig has rail connections with the capital and is the most important border crossing point in the region. Grevenmacher has good bus connections with Luxembourg City.

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