Mountain Pine Ridge

The Mountain Pine Ridge includes an 800 km² (312 sq miles) large forest reserve in Belize's pristine mountains. The region boasts countless waterfalls and an exotic flora and fauna. During the rain season the area is inaccessible, as the roads become un-navigable.

Several interesting trails run through the Mountain Pine Ridge. They include the Rain Forest Medicine Trail, which is focused on herbal medicines that grow along it. Some of the Mayan ruins in the area include the Chechem Ha, a Mayan cave, which includes ceremonial pots and Caracol, a large Mayan city that lies deep in the jungle.

The Thousand Foot (Hidden Valley) Falls plunge some 300 m (984 feet) into a misty valley. At Barton Creek Cave you can see skulls, bones and pottery shards.

The Mountain Pine Ridge is 30 km south of Belmopan.

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