Mount Mlanje Sapitwa

Mount Mlanje Sapitwa

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Mount Mlanje Sapitwa (also known as Mount Mulanje) is Malawi's highest mountain. It has several peaks, but the highest is Sapitwa, which rises 3002 m above sea level. Most of the mountain's peaks can be reached without any technical climbing and the scenery is beautiful. Be prepared for sudden drops in temperature, rains and mist at any time.

The mountain rises steeply from the surrounding plain. Locals often call the mountain 'Island in the Sky', as its peaks usually just jut above the mist. The clear paths leading up the mountain and huts situated on strategic locations make Mount Mlanje perfect for hiking and trekking. You can get to the town of Mulanje by bus from Blantyre. From town it is only a few kilometers to the mountains lower slopes. Mulanje is in the southeastern corner of Malawi, 300 km southeast of Lilongwe.

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