

Novgorod was founded in the 9th century and has been Russia's artistic and political center for more than 600 years. The city has a moved history. Ivan III annexed the city, while later Ivan the Terrible sacked it. During WWII the Nazis bombarded Novgorod and it is surprisingly to see how many historical buildings still survive. The Kremlin of Novgorod lies in the heart of the city. Within its walls you'll find the Byzantine Cathedral of St Sophia, the Millennium of Russia Monument, as well as the Chamber of Facets, which is filled with icons and the Museum of History & Art.

Opposite the Kremlin is the Yaroslav's Court, where you can see the remains of medieval palaces, churches and markets. Another interesting sight in Novgorod is the beautiful Church of Our Saviour-at-Ilino. There are marvelous frescoes inside.

There are many hotels and restaurants in the city. Novgorod is 550 km northwest of Moscow.

Because of random arrests of foreigners it is not recommended to travel to Novgorod, or any other destination in Russia at this moment.


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