Ocho Rios (Ochi)

Ocho Rios is a popular destination for passenger ships cruising the Caribbean. The town is often referred to as Ochi and receives some 400,000 cruise passengers a year. Ochi has a harbor that is sheltered by a reef and several excellent beaches, of which Turtle Beach is the most prominent. The town itself is of little interest, but the surroundings are stunning and there are several interesting sights nearby.

A few kilometers inland is Fern Gully, which runs for about 5 km (3 miles) through the canyon of an old watercourse. The sunlight is filtered by trees that form a canopy overhead and it is best to visit the gully in the morning, before too much light is filtered by traffic fumes.

Dunn's River Falls is one of Jamaica's most visited attractions and it is impossible to avoid the crowds there. The waterfalls are 3 km (2 miles) west of Ochi. The falls consists of a series of pools and cascades that bridge a height of 180 m (600 feet). They are surrounded by tall rainforest. Laughing Waters is another fall, about a kilometer further west, but since a hydroelectricity plant was built, the falls are not as spectacular as they used to be. There is a beautiful little beach nearby.

There are numerous hotels and restaurants in Ochi. The town is 55 km northwest of Kingston.


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