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Olympia is the state capital of Washington. It sits in the west of the state, at the southern tip of Puget Sound, on Budd Inlet. Olympia is an important port of entry to the United States, where lumber products and agricultural produce are shipped. Some of the city's main industries include oyster fisheries and canning plants. St. Martin's College and Evergreen State College are in Olympia.

The area was first settled in 1846 and Olympia was made capital of the newly created Washington Territory seven years later. Some of the most interesting sights include the state historical museum, the state library, the old capitol building, which dates from 1893 and the newer, imposing group of white sandstone capitol buildings. Of special interest is the annual salmon run from Budd Inlet into Capitol Lake. A Native American reservation and a state park are nearby.

North of the city are the Olympic Mountains, while Mount Rainier can be seen to the northeast. In 2001 an earthquake, centered some 19 km (12 miles) north of the city cracked the capitol dome and caused other property damage.

There are several hotels and restaurants in Olympia. The city is 3800 km northwest of Washington D.C.

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