Parc National de la Kagera

This park was created in 1934 and covers 2500 km² of treeless savannah, mountains and swamps. The swamps are mainly situated along the border with Tanzania and include six lakes and several islands. A wide variety of wildlife roams the magnificent park. They include baboon, buffalo, bushbuck, crocodile, duiker, galago, genet, giant eland, hare, hippo, hyena, impala, leopard, lion, monkeys, roan antelope, topi, wart hog and zebra. The best time to visit is during the dry season, which is between May and September. Bring some insect repellent, as there are Tsetse flies in the park, especially in the northern part.

There are several hotels scattered across the park and there is a campsite, but you can also sleep in your car (don't sleep in a tent, as that is too dangerous). The only way to visit the park is by own means of transportation. Parc National de la Kagera is in the northeast of Rwanda and straddles the border with Tanzania.

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