Park national de Niokolo-Koba (Niokolo-Koba National Park)

Park national de Niokolo-Koba (Niokolo-Koba National Park)


Niokolo-Koba is the largest national park in Senegal. It is about 500 km southeast of Dakar, in the southeast of the country. The park straddles the Gambia River and the water attracts lots of animals, including baboon, bouffon cobs, buffalo, bushbuck, civet, crocodile, dikdik, eland, hartebeest, hippo, kob, leopard, lion, monkey (green and hussar), porcupine, roan antelope, sables, vervet, warthog and waterbuck. The park contains over 80 species of mammal, as well as numerous bird species. Most of the area is covered with lush vegetation.

The best time to visit Niokolo-Koba is during the dry season from December to May, when animals are easier spotted. You need a vehicle to enter, as walking is not allowed in large parts of the park, but if you don't have your own vehicle, it is always possible to take a safari-tour.

The park headquarters is in Tambacounda, 75 km to the north. Buses running between Tambacounda and Kédougou stop at the park entrance in Badi. From Badi transportation to the campement in Simenti can be arranged. In Simenti bungalows are available and a campsite is nearby.

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