Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente

The Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente was founded on the island of La Palma in 1954, making it the fourth oldest National Park in Spain. The Caldera de Taburiente is a volcanic rock that rises steeply from the surrounding land. Its diameter is about 10 km (6 miles) and the only access opening is the Barranco de las Angustias (Gorge of Unpleasant Feelings), on the southwestern side of the Caldera. In some places the rock rises almost straight up for about 2000 meters (6560 ft). Although by calderas usually volcanic craters are meant, in this case it is a normal rock and the surrounding material has eroded away, over a period of millions of years.

The park covers an area of 4690 hectares (11,584 acres) and includes forest and the barren rocks of the Caldera. Landslides happen frequently, as the erosive forces never stop.

The park has good bus connections with Santa Cruz de la Palma, 10 km to the east.


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