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Peshawar is the capital of Pakistan's Northwest Frontier Province. Peshawar's Old City is packed with vendors that sell anything from tribal artifacts to modern computerized games. You will see numerous horse-drawn tongas, as well as a variety of tribes people such as Pashtuns, Afghans and Chitrali. The Smugglers Bazaar is not far from Peshawar, but it's a bit of a hassle to get to. Locals go there to buy new TVs, VCRs and refrigerators.

Also worth a visit is the interesting Khyber Pass, dotted with many small forts. The pass is easily visited on a day trip from Peshawar.

Hotels and restaurants are available in Peshawar. The city's international airport has direct flights to Qatar, Tashkent, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Jeddah, as well as numerous destinations in Pakistan. Trains, buses and minibuses also connect Peshawar with the rest of Pakistan. Peshawar is 145 km west of Islamabad.

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