
Most people come to Pochayiv to visit the monastery there. The monastery is the second largest in Ukraine and a popular place of pilgrimage. Especially during religious festivals the site is flooded with devout Ukrainians.

The main building is the Uspensky Cathedral. It was built between 1771 and 1783 in Baroque style and it is able to hold more than 6000 people. Inside are countless Orthodox icons; almost every surface is covered with hand painted images of saints and patriarchs. One of the most important icons is the Mother of God, which dates from 1597. Devotees believe it has protective powers.

The nearby Holy Trinity Cathedral is more than 100 years older than the Uspensky Cathedral. It has a golden dome, which is supported by massive pillars and thick vaults beneath a deep cupola. West of the Holy Trinity Cathedral is a 65 m (215 feet) high Baroque bell tower, which dates from the mid-19th century. The bell weights 11,180 kg (11 ton) and the tower offers fine views from its top.

There are several hotels and restaurants in Pochayiv. The city is 400 km west of Kiev. Just west of the monastery is a bus depot where buses to Kremenets, Ternopil and L'viv are available.

Because of the current situation in Ukraine it is not recommended to travel to Pochayiv, or any other destination in Ukraine at this moment.


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