
Rab is a medieval town, built on a narrow peninsula on Rab Island. The town has a nice, sheltered harbor and many dwelling are built against the steep hillsides. The area was once ruled by both Venice and Austria and even nowadays you'll hear some German spoken by people that are certainly no German tourists.

There are four churches in Rab and their towers can easily be seen, above the town's many red roofs.The town's main cathedral is of Romanesque origin and religious art can be seen in the museum of the St Justine Church. Rab's second oldest tower belongs to the Monastery of St Anthony that was built in 1175. The tower is all that remains of the town's oldest church, the rest is in ruins.

There are excellent views over Rab from its city walls.

Rab is 150 km southwest of Zagreb. Accommodation and restaurants are available in town. Rab has ferry connections with Jablanac on the mainland.

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