Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park was created from half of the Rungwa Game Reserve in 1964. The park covers 13,000 km² of difficult accessible grasslands on an undulating plateau. As a result not many people visit it and wildlife thrives. There are especially many crocodile, elephant, hippo, kudu, and roan and sable antelope. The park's southeastern border is formed by the Great Ruaha River which flows through some magnificent gorges.

The best month to visit the park is January. Between February and June the grass is too long which makes game viewing difficult. The rest of the year it is impossible to navigate the tracks as a result of the rains. You can camp at the park headquarters in Msembe, as well as several spots along the Great Ruaha River. You can get to Ruaha National Park via Iringa and Mloa.


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