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The principal attraction in Savonlinna is Olavinlinna Castle. Olavinlinna was founded in 1475 in order to protect the eastern border of the Swedish-Finnish empire. The name comes from the 10th century Catholic saint Olof. In the beginning of the 18th century Russians occupied the castle, and stayed there until Finnish independence in 1917. They added the red towers and a yellow house inside the castle walls. Inside the castle you will find two small museums showing exhibits on its history and some Orthodox treasures. You can visit the castle all year around, but you will have to join the hourly, guided tours, as you are not allowed to wonder around by yourself. The castle is accessed by a floating bridge which is removed when ships pass.

Savonlinna lies in the southeast of Finland and has good connections with the capital by air, rail, water and road. Day cruises on the surrounding lakes are available from the town center. There are numerous hotels and restaurants in town. Savonlinna is 290 km northeast of Helsinki.

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