Sawakin (Suakin)

Sawakin was Sudan's only port, until the British founded Port Sudan 50 km to the north in 1905. For 3 decades both ports were used, but in the 1930's the British abandoned Sawakin altogether and the town started decaying. The city is full dilapidated coral houses, but still an interesting place to wander around. It seems to be inhabited mostly by cats.

Sawakin has excellent beaches and the Red Sea is a magnificent place for scuba diving and snorkeling. Sawakin is on an island, which is connected to the mainland by a causeway. There is only little accommodation in Sawakin, which is 630 km northeast of Khartoum.

Because of the current situation in Sudan it is not recommended to travel to Sawakin (Suakin), or any other destination in Sudan at this moment.


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