Sequoia National Park

Sequoia National Park

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Sequoia National Park covers 162,960 hectares (402,510 acres) in the east of California. In the park you will find 35 groves of giant sequoias, spectacular granite mountains and deep canyons. The General Sherman Tree is also in the park. The tree is 83 m (272 feet) high and 11 m (37 feet) in diameter at its widest point. The tree is the largest and one of the oldest living things in the world. It is estimated to be more than 3,500 years old. Another interesting sight is Marble Falls, which drops 610 m (2,000 feet) in seven cascades.

Not far from Sequoia National Park is Mount Whitney, the highest point in the United States outside Alaska. Also in the vicinity are Kern River canyon and the Great Western Divide, which separates westerly flowing waters from easterly flowing ones.

Sequoia National Park was established in 1890. It adjoins Kings Canyon National Park in the north and the two parks are administered as a single unit.

Sequoia National Park is 320 km southeast from Sacramento and 3650 km west from Washington D.C.


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