
Siwah is an oasis not far from the Libyan border, about 290 km southwest of Marsa Matruh. The landscape if beautiful and the area has a rich history. In 525 BC Cambysses lost a complete army trying to get there and Alexander the Great was crowned there in the Temple of Amun in 331 BC. Parts of his coronation building still survive. There is a watchtower that provides good views over the town and the surrounding area.

The oasis in which the town is situated includes more than 250,000 palm and olive trees. Many kinds of fruits are grown in the area as well. Spring water comes from the ground at Cleopatra's Bath, where men can swim as well. Women will have to settle for a separate bath. Another place to swim is on the so-called Fantasy Island not far away. Behind the old town there is a hill that provides views over Libya.

Siwah is a traditional place where women are covered completely, so dress accordingly.

Siwah has bus connections with Marsa Matruh. Bikes can be rented to get around the area. Accommodation and restaurants are available in town.

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