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Split is the largest Croatian city on the Adriatic coast. It is an industrial city with an interesting old town. In the 4th century the Roman Emperor Diocletian had his retirement palace built there and in the 7th century, during the times of barbarian attacks on the nearby Roman town of Salona, that town's inhabitants sought refuge behind the walls of the palace in Split.

Nowadays Diocletian's Palace is one of the most interesting Roman ruins in the world. Actually it was a fortress rather than a palace, with high walls, that originally measured 215 m (705 ft) by 180 m (590 ft), surrounding the compound. Within these walls the palace, several temples and a mausoleum were included. The vestibule of the original palace, as well as the square of the fortress and the Temple of Jupiter can still be seen. Diocletian's mausoleum has been converted into a cathedral. Immediately outside the palace walls are numerous medieval buildings, making this part of Split like an open-air museum. The town hall is the most prominent one. It dates from the 15th century.

There are various interesting museums in Split, including the maritime museum that has a large number of photographs, maps and models of vessels in its collection. It is housed in a 17th-century fortress. There is also a good archaeological museum in town, as well as the Mestrovic Gallery, where modern art can be seen.

There are numerous hotels and private rooms in Split, as well as many bars and restaurants. Split is in the center of the Dalmatia province, some 260 km south of Zagreb. The city has air and rail connections with the capital, as well as bus connections with many other destinations. Ferries run between Split and Dubrovnik, Hvar and Korcula, but there are also ferries to numerous smaller harbors in the area's archipelago.


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