Tell al Zmuqayyar (Ur of the Chaldees)

Tell al Zmuqayyar (Ur of the Chaldees)

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Tell al Zmuqayyar is not far south of the town of An Nasiriya and is one of Iraq's most imposing ancient sites. It used to stand on the banks of the Euphrates, until the river changed its course. The earliest of the ruined buildings date from 4000 BC. The ruins include a ziggurat (pyramid-shaped tower) and some royal tombs from 2600-2000 BC, which have survived the sands of time remarkably well.

In the Bible, Tell al Zmuqayyar (or Ur of the Chaldees) is mentioned as the birthplace of Abraham, but there is no hard evidence to support this. What is certain is that it was once the capital of the ancient civilization of Sumeria. Excavations started in 1922 by Sir Leonard Woolley. His efforts lasted 12 years, but later more diggings were undertaken.

The best place to stay is nearby An Nasiriyah. Accommodation is available there and the site can easily be visited on a daytrip. Tell al Zmuqayyar is 310 km southeast of Baghdad.

Because of the current situation in Iraq it is not recommended to travel to Tell al Zmuqayyar (Ur of the Chaldees), or any other destination in Iraq at this moment.


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