Trenton (New Jersey)

Trenton (New Jersey)

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Trenton was settled at the head of navigation on the Delaware River by Friends in 1679. It was originally called the Falls, but later its name was changed to Stacy's Mills and finally Trenton. During the American Revolution, Trenton was the scene of a battle when Washington crossed the ice-clogged Delaware River on 25 December 1776 and surprised and captured 918 Hessians the following day. The Americans, avoiding a British relief force led by Cornwallis, then struck at Princeton. A 47 m (155 feet) tall granite monument, which is topped by a statue of Washington, commemorates the battle. The place where the Americans crossed the Delaware River is marked in a state park. Trenton has been the state capital of New Jersey since 1790.

Trenton grew as a commercial center and became the site of many industries, including the famous Roebling Works, where wire rope was manufactured. The works was established in 1848. The city's pottery industry dates from Colonial times. Other leading manufactures are rubber goods, textiles, plastics and a great variety of metal products. Trenton's population, as well as its industrial production, has steadily declined since 1970. In the 1980's, suburban development occurred especially to the city's northeast.

There are various interesting sights in Trenton. The golden-domed capitol dates from 1792. It has been remodeled and enlarged several times since. The capitol annex was built in 1931 and the World War I memorial building in 1932. The state cultural center includes a museum, a planetarium and the state library. The old barracks were built in 1758 and have been restored as a museum. Trenton's oldest standing building is the William Trent House. It dates from 1719 and has been converted into a museum. The explorer Zebulon Pike was born in Lamberton, which is now part of Trenton. Trenton State College, Rider College and various state institutions are located in the city.

There are numerous hotels and restaurants in Trenton. The city is situated between Philadelphia and New York City, making it an important transportation hub. Trenton is in the west of New Jersey, 250 km northeast of Washington D.C.

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