Tsavo East National Park

Tsavo East National Park consists of an 11,000 km² area of Tsavo National Park. Only the southernmost part of the park is accessible, the area north of Athi River (Galana River) is off limits in an effort by the government of get rid of poachers. Most of Tsavo East consists of rolling plains with small bushes. There are many elephants in this part of the park, as well as some rhinos. The park's headquarters is at Kanderi Swamp, not far into the park from the main gate at Voi, but most game can be see at the Aruba Dam 30 km further. The dam is built in the Voi River and the water that stays behind it attracts a wide variety if wildlife.

Not many people visit Tsavo East and as a result there are not many facilities. There is a camping at the Kanderi Swamp and one at the main entrance gate in Voi. Other entrance gates are the Manyani Gate, near the Tsavo Gate entrance to Tsavo West and the Sala Gate 100 km west of Malindi on the eastern side of the park.

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