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Utica was settled in 1773 on the site of old Fort Schuyler, which originally dated from 1758. The city was destroyed in a Native American and Tory attack in 1776 and resettled after the Revolution. Its location on the Erie and other canals and on the railroads stimulated its industrial development. Utica has an extensive park system, with winter and summer sports facilities. It is the seat of Utica College, a branch of Syracuse University, the State University of New York College of Technology and a state psychiatric center. It is also a port of entry to the United States and its manufactures include textiles, electronic equipment, machinery, tools and metal products.

There are several hotels and restaurants in town. Utica is on the Mohawk River and the Barge Canal, in a large dairy region in central New York, 130 km northwest from Albany and 490 km north from Washington D.C.


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