
Vézelay was originally built on a hilltop for defensive purposes. It used to be the place where thousands of people gathered before going on Crusades. Nowadays the hilltop marks the walled center of the town and the surrounding countryside is covered with vineyards and sunflowers.

The Basilique Sainte Madeleine was originally founded in the 9th century as an abbey. It holds the relics of St Mary Magdalene, which caused Vézelay to become an important pilgrimage place during the Middle Ages. Still every year on 22 July (St Mary Magdalene's saint day) celebrations are held and the relics are carried through the town. The church itself has beautiful carvings and sculptures. Its tympanum was constructed in Romanesque style and behind it is a nice park. From the church there are good views over the Cure River and nearby are several interesting villages.

There are several hotels and restaurants in Vézelay. The town is 50 km southeast of Auxerre and 205 km southeast of Paris. It lies in the Parc Naturel Régional du Morvan.


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