
Originally there were more than 30 churches in Vitebsk, but WWII and Soviet planning destroyed most of them. Famous people such as Kandinsky, Malevich and Chagall all spent part of their lives in Vitebsk. Chagall was born in Vitebsk.

There are several interesting sights in the city. The City Art Museum displays European works from the 18th to 20 centuries, as well as contemporary art. Not far from the museum is Vitebsk's old town hall. The main street in the old town is Vulitsa Suvarova. About halfway that street is a small park, where you can see a monument, dedicated to the French-Russian war of 1812. Victims of that war are buried there and beyond the memorial graves, a view opens up over the valley. Nearby is the KGB headquarters, which is housed in a former palace.

There are several hotels and restaurants in Vitebsk. The city is 225 km northeast of Minsk.


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