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Vyborg lies in the northwest of Russia, in the border area with Finland. It is the main town on the route between Helsinki (Finland) and Saint Petersburg. Although it is one of Europe's oldest cities, there is not a whole lot to see.

Vyborg used to be a Swedish town, but in 1710 it was added to Russia. When Finland became independent in 1917, the area became Finnish, but it was lost to Russia at the end of the Winter War in 1939. During WWII it was briefly retaken, but the Russians deported most of the Finns and it has been Russian ever since. As a result of years of communist neglect, most buildings in town are heavily dilapidated, but the unique style of building, which has almost completely disappeared in Finland can still be seen in Vyborg.

There are some small churches and there is a castle, built on a rock in the bay, which offers great views from its tower. Finn Aalto designed the famous library.

There are several hotels and restaurants in town, as well as a busy market. Vyborg is 740 km northwest of Moscow.

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