Wadi Rum (Wadi Ramm)

The area around Wadi Rum boasts some of the world's most spectacular desert scenery. It is a landscape of strangely shaped rock formations known as jebels. There are only a few concrete buildings in the village of Rum (sometimes referred to as Ramm); most of the 4000 villagers and Bedouin nomads live in goat hair tents.

Some of the sights around Rum include Lawrence's Well, a spring 2 km to the south. The spring at the base of 1754 m high Jebel Rum (or Jabal Ramm, Jordan's highest peak) is much prettier though. There are also the remnants of a Nabatean temple in Rum and the entire area around Wadi Rum is littered with Thamudic and Kufic rock art.

Most people visit the area to experience the desert though. Trips in 4WD vehicles or on camelback are available. There are no hotels in Rum, but you can stay with the Bedouins, or camp in the desert. Rum is 265 km south of Amman.


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