Yangon, or Rangoon, lies on the wide Yangon River in the south of Myanmar, some 30 km (19 miles) north of the Andaman Sea coast. Yangon is one of the most charming cities in Asia and it has so many trees, that some parts of the city are almost like a jungle. There are also many wide boulevards, lined with trees that provide shade from the burning sun during the day. During the evenings the streets are filled with food stalls, as well as other stalls where cigars and other luxury items are sold. The city center boasts some beautiful colonial buildings, although they are in a state of decay.
There are several interesting sights in Yangon. The Shwedagon Paya is a gold-plated temple on a hilltop. It dominates Yangon's skyline and according to legend the original stupa that stood there, was built to enshrine eight of Buddha's hairs. The present building was constructed in the 18th century and on its grounds you will find countless statues, temples, shrines, images and pavilions, most of which are dedicated to Buddha.
In the district of Chaukhtatgyi Paya is a massive statue of a reclining Buddha. The areas around the lakes of Kandawgyi and Inya lie within Yangon's city limits and they are excellent and peaceful places to go if you want to get away from all the hustle and bustle from the city.
Other landmarks in Yangon include the Martyr's Mausoleum, Aung San Suu Kyi's House and the Strand Hotel, which was built during colonial times and is an excellent example of the region's architecture during that period.
There are countless hotels and guesthouses in Yangon. Most of the cheaper accommodation is located near the river in the western part of town, as well as around the railway station. There are also numerous bars and restaurants in the capital. Good eateries are situated in the Shwedagon Paya area and in the city center. After 9 PM is very difficult to find places that serve food.
Transportation in Yangon is fairly easy. There are countless buses, but they are often unbelievably crowded. It is better to use car taxi's or one of the small three-wheeled Mazdas. For short distances the so-called sai-kaa, or trishaws, are the best choice.
Hours from UTC: 6:30
Daylight savings time: n/a
City phone code: n/a
Country phone code: 95
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