Erromango Island

The population of Erromango once reached 10,000, but nowadays it has declined dramatically. Introduced disease and black birding caused the depopulation, which some locals see as a retribution for missionaries that were killed in the 19th century. The Martyrs' Church at Dillon's Bay has small tablets that commemorate the arrival of the preachers.

The European colonizers were interested in Erromango for its sandalwood and the forests on the island are one of the main reasons to visit it. There are numerous paths and tracks across Erromango and as a result it is an excellent place for trekking. For some of the more rugged walks you will need to hire a local guide.

On the mountainous island are large kauri reserves, sheltered estuaries with white sandy beaches and caves, where you can see bleached and mineralized skulls. Erromanga's tropical rainforests are home to a diverse flora and many bird species.

There are several hotels and restaurants on Erromango. The island is 125 km southeast of Port Vila and has air connections with the capital.


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