
After a bridge was built over the Zambezi Gorge in 1904, the town of Livingstone sprang up not far from the bridge. It was the area's major travel hub up until the 1970's, when the Zimbabwean town of Victoria Falls took over that position. With the importance of Livingstone declining, the town started to pauperize.

The National Museum is in the center of town and has an interesting collection of archaeological and anthropological items. There is a copy of an African village, as well as items that belonged to Livingstone and some 17th and 18th century maps of the continent. The Railway Museum, officially known as the Zambezi Sawmills Locomotive Sheds National Monument, is a few hundred meters west of the railway station, west of Mosi-oa-Tunya Road, in the south of town. The Maramba Cultural Center is on the Mosi-oa-Tunya road between Livingstone and Victorial Falls, about 5 km from town. It is a good place to buy handicrafts.

There are numerous hotels and lodges in an around Livingstone. The town is close to the Victoria Waterfalls and the border with Zimbabwe, about 400 km southwest of Lusaka. There are bus and train connections with the capital.


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